Education Committe

2024 Islamic School Fair & Expo Summary
Held on July 21, 2024
As salaamu alaikum/Peace be upon you
The first revelation to our beloved Messenger and Master Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was "Recite/Read!"; and that is the message with which we began The Second Islamic School Fair and Expo on Sunday July 21, 2024. The event was located at The Philadelphia School District Headquarters at 440 N. Broad Street from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., and it was free of charge and open to all people. The Education Committee of The Majlis ash Shura of Delaware Valley produced this event for the purposes of magnifying the viabiliity and visibility of Islamic schools, and to help students who attend non-Muslim schools.
In attendance were educational institutions, service providers, city officials, and an Islamic Children's book fair. Institutions included al-Aqsa Islamic School, Auntie's Care Garden Daycare, Bani Adam Daycare and Academy, Institute of Islamic Studies of Chester, PA, Iqra Academy in PA, KBK STEM of Germantown, New Medinah Academy, and The Islamic Education School (T. I. E. S.) of Philadelphia. Special service providers were The Islamic Heritage Foundation (Philadelphia), Jamilah F. Bashir: The IEP Coach, and Jamiel Owens of The Autism Research Center of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). City officials in attendance were The Director of The Office of Muslim Engagement of Philadelphia: Dr.Quaiser Abdulah, and The Muslim Community Liaison of The City of Baltimore: Musaa Abdur-Rahman. Our book fair, a treasure trove of entertaining knowledge, was anchored by Hakim's Bookstore (210 S. 52nd Street Philadelphia), Author Adil Ismaeel (6001 Lansdowne Ave, Philadelphia), and Green Fig Publishing (Online).
This year's Fair and Expo was fortunate to have numerous sponsors who gave financial, and potable (food) donations. Attendees enjoyed their fill of food and beverages from our sponsor Manakeesh Restaurant, Trader Joe's Market, Cousin's Supermarkets, and Pecel Ndeso (Indonesian Caterers). All expenses were taken care of by our gracious financial donors; Bayaan Academy Online Islamic School, Jamaladdin Tax Services of Philadelphia, Prime Halal Meats of Philadelphia, South Jersey Halal Meats of Deptford, Talib (Online) Tutors of California, Minaret Charities, and Khair Community Center.
After opening remarks by Imam Farid Rasul, Amir of Majlis ash Shura, attendees visited information tables, the book fair, and powerful lectures and workshops which can be viewed in the attached video!
Opening 00:01 - 23:18
Imam Farid Rasul Majlis ash Shura, Dr. Quaiser Abdullah City of Philadelphia, and others.
Session 1: The Struggle is Real; Stories from non-Muslim Schools 0:23:19 - 1:01:56
Bro. Jihad Abou Hatab, Muslim Father
Session 2: Autism; Where We Are and Where We're Going 1:01:57 - 1:31:03
Mr. Jamiel Owens of CHOP, Autism Research Center
Session 3: From Observation to Individual Educational Plan (IEP) 1:31:04 - 3:32:17
Sisters Jamilah F. Bashir, The IEP Coach LLC, and Valda Abdullah, M. Ed.
(New Medinah and T. I. E. S. Schools were presented, however that was not recorded)
- E. Muttaqi Thomas, Education Committee Chairman